Geometric Representations and Transformations



Geometric Representations and Transformations is the fourth and last course in the Mathematics program, which was produced by SOFAD for Secondary Cycle One of the Common Core Basic Education (CCBE) program. This course comprises eight learning situations that require learners to solve problems involving measurement and representation as well as problems related to transformations in the physical environment. This will allow learners to develop their competencies to communicate and reason logically while acquiring essential knowledge in a meaningful context. This course contains a self-evaluation activity and is accompanied by four scored activities.


• Units of length, capacity, mass and temperature • Conversion of units between the international system of units and the imperial system of units • Number line and fractions • Length, area and volume • Plans and scale representations • Nets of solids • Geometric transformations • Similar and congruent figures • Angles


Adult students who wish to complete the Secondary Cycle One Mathematics program or who wish to improve their mathematics skills.


MTH-1101-3 and MTH-2101-3. This course also requires good reading ability.


The scored activities are an integral part of the proposed learning approach. Their reproduction is authorized for any adult education centre using them. You may either purchase them or download them free of charge from the following address:
Duration: 75 hours
Number of units: 3




25% per assignment

Corrections time

30 minutes each on average


Passing mark for scored activities: 60% Passing mark for certification examination: 60%


Author(s): Jean-Claude Hamel

Production date: November 2012