Finance and Arithmetic



Finance and Arithmetic is the first in a series of four mathematics courses for common core basic education at the secondary-school level. This course consists of six learning situations in which students are required to solve problems that involve analyzing a pay slip, making a budget and filing an income tax return. Students will also solve finance-related problems: taking out a term loan or a line of credit, paying with a credit card or a debit card and drawing up a financial statement are all situations that will help adult learners make informed decisions.


The four operations on decimals The four operations on fractions Rates and percentages Direct and indirect proportionality Constructing and solving sequences of operations Calculating daily, monthly and annual interest Bank accounts, credit, debit, balance Budgets and financial statements Assets and liabilities


Adult students who wish to complete the Secondary Cycle One Mathematics program or who wish to improve their mathematics skills.


MTH-P101-4 This course requires also good reading ability.
Duration: 75 hours
Number of units: 3




33 1/2% per assignment

Corrections time

30 minutes each on average


Passing mark for scored acitivities: 60% Passing mart for certification examination: 60%


Author(s): André Dumas, Isabelle Lemay, François-André Brousseau

Production date: June 2013